Ever been ghosted by someone?
Well Homo sapiens are complex and also very unique beings aren't they? I am one too! and most importantly there are positive and negatives about being a human being or even being around other human beings! As every cheesy movie line says that there are about 7 billion people in this planet I'm definitely someone who asks " WHY ME" all the time! I'm pretty sure everyone reading my blog has been ghosted by someone in some way or another and yes that is a really bad thing to go through and according to a study by POF approximately 80% of millennials have been ghosted and that's crazy!! ghosting someone is also a sort of mental abuse and people thinking it as a trend must totally stop because you're just hurting somebody who doesn't know why you're ignoring them. It is fine to cut someone off your life but not stating a reason and just leaving them to ponder upon where they have gone wrong or overthink upon such behavior makes them almost get a mini...